Bronze, western red cedar, stainless steel hardware, concrete, steel, plywood, paint - 7’ x 7’ x 9’
The Light Shines Through honors ALL women who have encouraged literacy in Johnson County and beyond. She does not represent just one woman with her casual and classic style. She embodies timeless characteristics with which everyday women can identify. The sculpture’s details tell the stories of several specific extraordinary women from Johnson County. The female is emerging from a book recognizing women’s stories of the past, present, and those yet to come.
Spring 2023
For more information about the symbolism and stories within the sculpture, please go to:

Bronze, western red cedar, stainless steel hardware, concrete, steel, plywood, paint - 7’ x 7’ x 9’
The Light Shines Through honors ALL women who have encouraged literacy in Johnson County and beyond. She does not represent just one woman with her casual and classic style. She embodies timeless characteristics with which everyday women can identify. The sculpture’s details tell the stories of several specific extraordinary women from Johnson County. The female is emerging from a book recognizing women’s stories of the past, present, and those yet to come.
Spring 2023
For more information about the symbolism and stories within the sculpture, please go to:

Bronze, western red cedar, stainless steel hardware, concrete, steel, plywood, paint - 7’ x 7’ x 9’
The Light Shines Through honors ALL women who have encouraged literacy in Johnson County and beyond. She does not represent just one woman with her casual and classic style. She embodies timeless characteristics with which everyday women can identify. The sculpture’s details tell the stories of several specific extraordinary women from Johnson County. The female is emerging from a book recognizing women’s stories of the past, present, and those yet to come.
Spring 2023
For more information about the symbolism and stories within the sculpture, please go to:

Bronze, western red cedar, stainless steel hardware, concrete, steel, plywood, paint - 7’ x 7’ x 9’
The Light Shines Through honors ALL women who have encouraged literacy in Johnson County and beyond. She does not represent just one woman with her casual and classic style. She embodies timeless characteristics with which everyday women can identify. The sculpture’s details tell the stories of several specific extraordinary women from Johnson County. The female is emerging from a book recognizing women’s stories of the past, present, and those yet to come.
Spring 2023
For more information about the symbolism and stories within the sculpture, please go to:

Bronze, western red cedar, stainless steel hardware, concrete, steel, plywood, paint - 7’ x 7’ x 9’
The Light Shines Through honors ALL women who have encouraged literacy in Johnson County and beyond. She does not represent just one woman with her casual and classic style. She embodies timeless characteristics with which everyday women can identify. The sculpture’s details tell the stories of several specific extraordinary women from Johnson County. The female is emerging from a book recognizing women’s stories of the past, present, and those yet to come.
Spring 2023
For more information about the symbolism and stories within the sculpture, please go to:

Bronze, western red cedar, stainless steel hardware, concrete, steel, plywood, paint - 7’ x 7’ x 9’
The Light Shines Through honors ALL women who have encouraged literacy in Johnson County and beyond. She does not represent just one woman with her casual and classic style. She embodies timeless characteristics with which everyday women can identify. The sculpture’s details tell the stories of several specific extraordinary women from Johnson County. The female is emerging from a book recognizing women’s stories of the past, present, and those yet to come.
Spring 2023
For more information about the symbolism and stories within the sculpture, please go to:

Steel, white oak, paint, and stainless steel hardware - 4’1” x 16’6”
Striation is a representation of diversity within unity. With bright colors, upward movement, and graceful form the sculpture invokes feelings of hope, inspiration, and innovation similar to the surrounding revitalized Glendale Shopping Center in Indianapolis, IN. Project One and Kimberly McNeelan collaborated to create this sculpture.
Spring 2023

Steel, white oak, paint, and stainless steel hardware - 4’1” x 16’6”
Striation is a representation of diversity within unity. With bright colors, upward
movement, and graceful form the sculpture invokes feelings of hope, inspiration,
and innovation similar to the surrounding revitalized Glendale Shopping Center in Indianapolis, IN. Project One and Kimberly McNeelan collaborated to create this sculpture.
Spring 2023

Steel, white oak, paint, and stainless steel hardware - 4’1” x 16’6”
Striation is a representation of diversity within unity. With bright colors, upward movement, and graceful form the sculpture invokes feelings of hope, inspiration, and innovation similar to the surrounding revitalized Glendale Shopping Center in Indianapolis, IN. Project One and Kimberly McNeelan collaborated to create this sculpture.
Spring 2023

Steel, white oak, paint, and stainless steel hardware - 4’1” x 16’6”
Striation is a representation of diversity within unity. With bright colors, upward movement, and graceful form the sculpture invokes feelings of hope, inspiration, and innovation similar to the surrounding revitalized Glendale Shopping Center in Indianapolis, IN. Project One and Kimberly McNeelan collaborated to create this sculpture.
Spring 2023

Steel, white oak, paint, and stainless steel hardware - 4’1” x 16’6”
Striation is a representation of diversity within unity. With bright colors, upward movement, and graceful form the sculpture invokes feelings of hope, inspiration, and innovation similar to the surrounding revitalized Glendale Shopping Center in Indianapolis, IN. Project One and Kimberly McNeelan collaborated to create this sculpture.
Spring 2023

Cedar, Screws, Polycarbonate, Steel - 12’ x 7.5’ x 7.5’
White River State Park, Indianapolis, Indiana
The Public Collection is a public art and literacy project consisting of artist-designed book share stations, developed to increase access to books and art. The project aims to improve literacy, foster a deeper appreciation of the arts, and promote social and educational justice in our community.
Through a curated process, Indiana-based artists were commissioned to design unique book share stations, or lending libraries, that are installed in community spaces around Indianapolis. The book share stations are free and available to everyone. Borrow and return books at your leisure.
Cedar, Screws, Polycarbonate, Steel - 12’ x 7.5’ x 7.5’
White River State Park, Indianapolis, Indiana
The Public Collection is a public art and literacy project consisting of artist-designed book share stations, developed to increase access to books and art. The project aims to improve literacy, foster a deeper appreciation of the arts, and promote social and educational justice in our community.
Through a curated process, Indiana-based artists were commissioned to design unique book share stations, or lending libraries, that are installed in community spaces around Indianapolis. The book share stations are free and available to everyone. Borrow and return books at your leisure.

Communities around the globe are concerned about the accessibility of clean water, contamination of existing water, the filtration of waste water, how water is used, and if the supply of clean water will run out. With the recent discovery of industrial contamination, Franklin’s communities are not an exception. We all must be aware of how our water usage and waste affect one another.
The Franklin College Art 490 immersive term students and I, Kimberly McNeelan, each created a water droplet, found a personally interesting fact about water, and worked together to make the puddles that exemplify the ripple effect.

Communities around the globe are concerned about the accessibility of clean water, contamination of existing water, the filtration of waste water, how water is used, and if the supply of clean water will run out. With the recent discovery of industrial contamination, Franklin’s communities are not an exception. We all must be aware of how our water usage and waste affect one another.
The Franklin College Art 490 immersive term students and I, Kimberly McNeelan, each created a water droplet, found a personally interesting fact about water, and worked together to make the puddles that exemplify the ripple effect.

Communities around the globe are concerned about the accessibility of clean water, contamination of existing water, the filtration of waste water, how water is used, and if the supply of clean water will run out. With the recent discovery of industrial contamination, Franklin’s communities are not an exception. We all must be aware of how our water usage and waste affect one another.
The Franklin College Art 490 immersive term students and I, Kimberly McNeelan, each created a water droplet, found a personally interesting fact about water, and worked together to make the puddles that exemplify the ripple effect.

Communities around the globe are concerned about the accessibility of clean water, contamination of existing water, the filtration of waste water, how water is used, and if the supply of clean water will run out. With the recent discovery of industrial contamination, Franklin’s communities are not an exception. We all must be aware of how our water usage and waste affect one another.
The Franklin College Art 490 immersive term students and I, Kimberly McNeelan, each created a water droplet, found a personally interesting fact about water, and worked together to make the puddles that exemplify the ripple effect.

Western Red Cedar and Free Native Wildflower Seed Packets - 22”x 22” x 49”
A skep is what we associate as the iconic form of a beehive because humans have been making skeps out of braided grass for millennia. This Seed Skep was part of a series of skeps that housed native wildflower seed packets that people could take (for free) and plant to help provide pollinators with more food. Pollinators are necessary for the food that we eat, and various ecological issues have created a decline in the populations of bees and other pollinators. This sculpture also acted to raise awareness of the plight of pollinators.

Western Red Cedar and Free Native Wildflower Seed Packets - 22”x 22” x 49”
A skep is what we associate as the iconic form of a beehive because humans have been making skeps out of braided grass for millennia. This Seed Skep was part of a series of skeps that housed native wildflower seed packets that people could take (for free) and plant to help provide pollinators with more food. Pollinators are necessary for the food that we eat, and various ecological issues have created a decline in the populations of bees and other pollinators. This sculpture also acted to raise awareness of the plight of pollinators.

Cedar, Steel, Polycarbonate, 800+ free vegetable seedlings - 62” x 22” x 41”
Sprouting Food and Seed Skep traveled together to multiple locations over two years in Indianapolis. The goal was for people to make the correlation of the necessity of pollination for food to grow. It is very enjoyable to grow your own food, and locally grown food is the most ecological way to eat.

Cedar, Walnut, Steel, Outdoor Latex Paint, Paper Slips - 41” x 26” x 8’
Herron School of Art and Design, Indianapolis, IN
Community Cabinet is a sculpture that was successful because of the people that participate. There are drawers, and inside one can find a form to fill out to offer something to someone else in the community. People continue to offer a range of gifts: a beer, advice, woodworking tips, a monotype print, a water balloon fight in a local park, etc.

Cedar, Walnut, Steel, Outdoor Latex Paint, Paper Slips - 41” x 26” x 8’
Herron School of Art and Design, Indianapolis, IN
“Community Cabinet” is a sculpture that was successful mainly because of the people that participated. There are drawers, and inside one can find a form to fill out to offer something to someone else in the community. People continue to offer a range of gifts: a beer, advice, woodworking tips, a monotype print, a water balloon fight in a local park, etc.

Cedar, Walnut, Steel, Outdoor Latex Paint, Paper Slips - 41” x 26” x 8’
Herron School of Art and Design, Indianapolis, IN
Community Cabinet is a sculpture that was successful mainly because of the people that participated. There are drawers, and inside one can find a form to fill out to offer something to someone else in the community. People continue to offer a range of gifts: a beer, advice, woodworking tips, a monotype print, a water balloon fight in a local park, etc.

Cedar, Steel, Walnut, Hickory Nut, Pine Cone 2.5’ x 2.5’ x 9.5’
The students of Central Elementary helped create this sculpture based upon their reactions to concepts such as proactivity and forward movement in our ecological mindset. This space is also going to be used as an outdoor classroom. The sculpture is surrounded with ash stumps so that teachers can have a conversation with the students about the Emerald Ash Borer. There are gold colored seeds (acorn, walnut, and pine cone) in the 'windows' of the sculpture so that they can think about the importance of biodiversity. The form of the sculpture is making an up and sweeping motion invoking an uplifting positive feeling.

Western Red Cedar - 108" x 62" x 42"
Every piece is different. Everyday is different. The movement and undulations in the form mimic the motions of children in everyday play. This is an installation at Chapelwood Elementary School in Indianapolis.

Western Red Cedar - 108" x 62" x 42"
Every piece is different. Everyday is different. The movement and undulations in the form mimic the motions of children in everyday play. This is an installation at Chapelwood Elementary School in Indianapolis.

Western Red Cedar and Steel - 50” x 74” x 6”
This sculpture celebrates the Riverside Neighborhood’s commitment to cleaning up the White River, yet calls for still more local and national action to preserve the river’s health. The installation was co-created by the community, with youth from the Riverside neighborhood and art students at Riverside High School helping to make and paint the water droplets. The form was inspired by the round porthole windows seen throughout RHS, and the building’s original use as a naval armory.

Western Red Cedar and Steel - 50” x 74” x 6”
This sculpture celebrates the Riverside neighborhood’s commitment to cleaning up the White River, yet calls for still more local and national action to preserve the river’s health. The installation was co-created by the community, with youth from the Riverside neighborhood and art students at Riverside High School helping to make and paint the water droplets. The form was inspired by the round porthole windows seen throughout RHS, and the building’s original use as a naval armory.

Western Red Cedar and Steel - 50” x 74” x 6”
This sculpture celebrates the Riverside neighborhood’s commitment to cleaning up the White River, yet calls for still more local and national action to preserve the river’s health. The installation was co-created by the community, with youth from the Riverside neighborhood and art students at Riverside High School helping to make and paint the water droplets. The form was inspired by the round porthole windows seen throughout RHS, and the building’s original use as a naval armory.

Wood, Steel, and Water-based Paint - 12” x 12” x 20’
Reflecting the importance of bats to our ecosystem, the artist’s Bat Haus is a whimsical sculptural intervention at Guggman Haus Brewery.
Bats aren’t scary! They control insect populations, pollinate flowers, disperse plant seeds, and provide important nutrients to landscapes through their droppings; and their flying and echolocation abilities have inspired scientific advances. In addition, the Indiana bat is a state and federally endangered species.

Wood, Steel, and Water-based Paint - 12” x 12” x 20’
Reflecting the importance of bats to our ecosystem, the artist’s Bat Haus is a whimsical sculptural intervention at Guggman Haus Brewery.
Bats aren’t scary! They control insect populations, pollinate flowers, disperse plant seeds, and provide important nutrients to landscapes through their droppings; and their flying and echolocation abilities have inspired scientific advances. In addition, the Indiana bat is a state and federally endangered species.
Steel - 32” x 48” x 72”
By- Past, Current, Future People is a steel sculpture in the form of a giant storybook, forming the backdrop to the lives and cultures historically residing in the Riverside neighborhood. In conjunction with Okara Imani’s live performance, Riverside Story, the sculpture encourages Riverside residents to “place themselves within the book” and tell their story.

Steel - 32” x 48” x 72”
By- Past, Current, Future People is a steel sculpture in the form of a giant storybook, forming the backdrop to the lives and cultures historically residing in the Riverside neighborhood. In conjunction with Okara Imani’s live performance, Riverside Story, the sculpture encourages Riverside residents to “place themselves within the book” and tell their story.